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Plots and alliances

UAE instructs Bahrain to lead a political upheaval against Qatar

According to an informed Gulf diplomatic source, the UAE is leading a campaign to sabotage the Gulf reconciliation efforts, which do not appeal to the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Mohammed bin Zayed.

Speaking Bahraini Leaks, the source asserted that the offensive statements of Bahrain’s Foreign Minister Abdul Latif Al-Zayani against Qatar came in coordination with his Emirati counterpart Anwar Gargash.

The Bahraini minister accused Qatar of not taking any “initiative to solve existing problems” with his country.

Al-Zayani said, according to a tweet published by the Bahraini Ministry of Foreign Affairs, “Qatar has not yet shown the Al-Ula summit any initiative to resolve the key issues with Bahrain.”

He added, “Doha must deal with the requirements of Gulf consensus.”

He gave no further details of the problems that needed to be resolved.

This incitement comes as part of a joint plan written during the secret meeting that brought together the King of Bahrain and the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, days before the Al-Ula summit in Saudi Arabia on January 5.

Bahrain and the UAE plan includes delivering an offensive speech against Qatar through media outlets and digital platforms supervised by the two countries’ authorities.

The media is set to promote that Doha is ignoring its obligations under the reconciliation agreement held at the Al-Ula summit in Saudi Arabia on January 5.

As sources revealed earlier to Bahraini Leaks, the aim of the joint plan is the UAE’s attempt to thwart the reconciliation and imposing the blockade again on Qatar.


The sources revealed that Bahrain had created dozens of social media accounts known as “electronic flies” to talk about a series of alleged violations by Qatar.

The Bahraini Interior Ministry attacked the Qatari Al-Jazeera channel after covering the demonstrations that took place in Bahrain to reject normalization with Israel.

The Bahraini authorities also pressured a Bahraini citizen to admit that he was tortured in Qatar during his short detention in Doha.

Activists questioned these confessions’ veracity, asserting that they were forced to be stopped by the media, owned by the regime, to defame Qatar.

Bahraini intelligence also recruited a Bahraini via a video clip. He claims that Qatar tried to recruit him as an agent on its behalf during the 2011 revolution, in return for a sum of money.

READ: Amnesty International: Ill-treatment is a recurring problem in Bahrain’s prisons

The prominent political activist Saeed Al-Shehabi stated that the King of Bahrain “issued his orders to his frivolous trumpets to continue attacking Qatar on the one hand and the Bahraini people on the other hand.”

Observers say that this incitement rhetoric attempts to divert public irrigation from the rampant internal crises in Bahrain and the rising public anger against human rights violations.

Previously, the media advisor to the Al-Diwan Al-Khulaifi, Sawsan Al-Shaer, attacked Saudi Arabia against Qatar’s background of the reconciliation agreement.

Al-Shaer asked Saudi Arabia: Is Qatar’s willingness to stop the media campaigns against Saudi Arabia in exchange for opening the airspace deserves a Saudi-Qatari reconciliation?

She added, “What is Qatar to seek the leadership role in the Arab world?”

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