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Plots and alliances

Sources for Bahraini Leaks: Bahraini intelligence concluded a deal with Mickey Quaid to harm Qatar

The Hamad regime continues its failed plays after being dragged into the Gulf reconciliation agreement

In a ridiculous directorial plot described by followers, the Bahraini Intelligence released a video clip of a Bahraini claiming that Qatar tried to recruit Quaid as an agent on its behalf during the 2011 revolution.

Private sources revealed to Bahraini Leaks, that the person who appeared in the video circulating since Thursday and called “Mickey Quaid”, was based on a deal he had concluded with the Bahraini intelligence.

The sources added that the intelligence offered this person an amount of money to speak in the video about Qatari “conspiracies” to target Bahrain’s security during the widespread protests in 2011.

They also indicated that the deal includes the intelligence guaranteeing the release of many relative detainees of “Quaid” detained in Bahrain.

Fake fabrications

Quaid had appeared in a video clip on social media platforms, detailing what he called the Qatari security’s attempt to recruit him.

“On the condition that he receives a monthly salary of 10,000 Qatari riyals and releasing and returning him to Bahrain.”

On Thursday, the Bahraini Ministry of Interior said Qatar’s attempt to recruit him “constitutes a dangerous interference in Bahrain’s internal affairs.”

The ministry stated that after the arrest of Quaid in the sea and taking him and his boat to Doha, Qatari security tried to recruit him.

“He would receive money in exchange for providing the Qatari security with information on the Bahraini security services’ movements in the Sitra region,” according to the claim.

This hypothetical incident’s announcement coincides with the release of the Qatari authorities of Bahraini citizens whom they accused of entering its territorial waters irregularly.

Activists ridiculed the slander “Quaid”, pointing out that his features indicate that he is from an Asian country and that his accent is not Bahraini.

Continuous agitation

Media outlets owned by the Bahraini regime and prominent officials are launching a widespread incitement campaign against Qatar, despite the signing of the reconciliation agreement and the positive atmosphere prevailing now.

The Bahraini regime feels that it left the reconciliation agreement without any gains after Saudi Arabia and the UAE forced it to join the campaign to boycott Qatar for three years.

After finding themselves entirely outside the rule of the quadrant of the Gulf boycott, the Bahraini authorities made up and are still inciting rhetoric against Qatar.

Observers believe that the Bahraini regime monitors Saudi Arabia and Qatar’s conciliatory steps, with extreme rage after Doha succeeded in restricting reconciliation with Riyadh only.

Royal Instructions

More than one Bahraini official against Qatar’s offensive statements indicates explicit royal instructions to try to disturb the positive climate prevailing inside the Gulf house.

Since the Al-Ula summit in Saudi Arabia, King Hamad boycotted with prior coordination with Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed.

The prominent Bahraini political activist and opposition figure, Dr Saeed Al-Shehabi, says that the King of Bahrain, Hamad bin Isa, was forced to sign the surrender decision before Qatar.

Al-Shihabi added in a series of tweets on Twitter: “The tyrant forced Al-Khulaifi to sign the surrender decision in front of Qatar, while he was exploding with anger inside him.”

He reported that King Hamad “issued his orders to his frivolous trumpets to continue attacking Qatar on the one hand and the Bahraini people on the other hand.”

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