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The Bahraini regime excludes political prisoners from COVID-19 vaccines

Health sources in Bahrain reveal that Bahraini authorities scandalously have vaccinated criminal inmates and excluded prisoners of conscience and immigrant prisoners from receiving the Coronavirus vaccine.

The health sources in Bahrain stated that the Bahraini security authorities have ordered the Ministry of Health to vaccinate a group of criminal inmates only in order to avoid criticism from human rights groups.

The General Administration of Reform and Rehabilitation in Bahrain has been informed of the completion of the vaccination of all inmates who wish to receive the vaccine, the source told Bahraini Leaks.

Furthermore, Bahraini authorities have excluded incoming foreign prisoners from getting vaccinated and arrested dozens of different nationalities in criminal cases, who were also excluded from vaccination…

Yesterday, the Bahraini Correction and Rehabilitation Department claimed to have”completely vaccinated all inmates who wish to receive the Coronavirus vaccine,” claiming that this comes with the aim of providing full support for what these preventive measures required.

It expressed its concern for the health and safety of the inmates, and that it is “an encouraging move carried out according to a specific timetable, among the various measures taken to fight back during the pandemic.

Recently, the media in Bahrain revealed that a group of detainees in Jo Prison have been infected with the Coronavirus. The Coronavirus continues to spread in Bahrain, at a time when the authorities are failing to take real measures to prevent the virus from spreading. During the past few days, Manama has recorded record numbers of deaths and injuries from COVID-19.

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