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Human rights violations

Huge support for a parliamentary petition in Britain against human rights violations in Bahrain

A parliamentary petition condemning human rights violations in Bahrain won wide support in the British House of Commons nearly a month after its submission.

According to Bahraini Lakes, the number of signatories to the petition has reached 70 MPs from various British parties, knowing that it was launched on January 12th.

The petition highlights violations of human rights by the ruling authorities in Bahrain and condemns the continued arbitrary detention and inhumane treatment of prisoners of conscience.

The petition alerts prisoners of conscience in Bahrain to academic Abdul Jalil Al-Singace, Al-Ramz, Hassan Mushaima, Abdul-Wahhab Hussain, the jurist, Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja and Sheikh Ali Salman.

The petition pointed out that Freedom House ranked Bahrain in its 2021 report as a not free country and ranked 150 out of 167 countries in the Global Democracy Index issued by the Economist magazine for 2020 and ranked 168 out of 180 in the 2021 World Press Freedom Index.

Representatives who signed the petition urge the Bahraini authorities to release all prisoners of conscience, enable civil society representatives and human rights defenders to work freely, allow genuine political opposition and independent media, and end the use of the death penalty.

The petition also urges the Bahraini authorities to initiate an objective and inclusive dialogue within the country on political and constitutional reform and to cooperate with human rights organizations and experts, including from the United Nations, to allow, among other things, an independent assessment of prison conditions and conditions.

The petition calls on the British government to review its funding to Bahrain and other agreements with it and to interview human rights defenders, organizations, representatives of civil society and the peaceful opposition from Bahrain.

It also called out for taking measures to hold officials in Bahrain responsible for the gross violations of human rights and to hold the perpetrators accountable.

The map of the signatory representatives to the British parties was distributed as follows: 23 MPs from the Scottish National Party, 19 MPs from the Labor Party, 11 MPs from the Liberal Democrats, 6 from the Democratic Unionist Party, 3 independents, 3 MPs from the Blade Party, one MP from the Green Party and one from the Green Party. Alba party.

This petition is the third petition that exceeds the threshold of 70 British MPs support since the beginning of this century, as it was preceded by a petition submitted by the former leader of the British Labor Party, Jeremy Corbyn, in 2014 received the support of 73 MPs.

At the time, the petition addressed the lack of principles and standards for a fair trial in the judicial system in Bahrain.

It was preceded by another petition supported by 83 deputies, submitted by Labor MP Anne Clyde in November 2017. The deputies expressed their concern about the rulings issued by the Al-Khalifa family against three members of the Bahraini human rights activist Sayed Ahmed Al-Wadaei, who is based in London, where he practices his human rights activities.

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