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Human rights violations

Bahraini detainee Muhammad Al-Singace endures a sudden coma after days of deteriorating health

The political prisoner, Muhammad Al-Singace, suddenly passed out, following a deterioration in his health condition three days ago in Bahrain’s largest prison.

Detainees in Jaw Central Prison reported that their colleague, sentenced to 10 years in prison, fainted during the sunlight period on Wednesday due to the medical negligence he is subjected to within his account.

They indicated that three days ago, he suffered from health deterioration. He repeatedly asked the prison administration to treat him but to no avail.

Salam Organization for Democracy and Human Rights condemned the Jaw prison administration’s ignorance of this prison condition.

A member of the organization, Ibtisam Al-Saegh, stressed that what is required is to enable him to have the right to medical care.

And Al-Singace, 54 years, suffers from a disc in the back and problems in the urinary tract, in light of medical negligence to follow-up treatment.

He worked as a laboratory technician in the former Bahraini Ministry of Works.

He was arrested in 2012 without an arrest warrant. Since then, he has been subjected to arbitrary detention and denied medical treatment.

He was initially charged with belonging to the February 14 Coalition (an informal group and most of its internet activity, classified by the Bahraini government as a terrorist organization).

He previously went through several strikes to demand his right to a fair trial. And he sent many letters and reports proving that he had been subjected to torture.

Al-Singace previously called, through a leaked audio message, for the formation of an impartial and transparent committee to investigate the torture and ill-treatment he was subjected to.

Hee demanded observance of international guarantees for fair trials regarding the political trial to which he was subjected.

Al-Singace explained the grievances that occurred to him from his illegal arrest and the confessions he was subjected to under torture.

He also indicated how malicious charges were brought against him.

He was subjected to enforced disappearance and later learned that he was in the notorious Criminal Investigation Building, had been tortured and forced to sign pre-prepared confessions.

He was also not allowed to know the content of the charges.

Salam Organization said that Al-Singace had been subjected to retaliation by the security authorities since the 1990s.

It indicated that he was arrested more than once because of his activity in collecting signatures on the popular petition calling for democracy and the reinstatement of the 1973 constitution.

It is noteworthy that since the 2011 protests, the intense crackdown on political activists and civil society has continued.

The Bahraini authorities continue to use elements of torture, abuse, threats, and unfair treatment against political prisoners in retaliation for their activities.

The pressing concerns in the kingdom’s prisons, run by the corrupt Ministry of Interior, range from poor living conditions, medical negligence and blatant disregard for detainees’ health.

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