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Human rights violations

Demonstrations continue throughout Bahrain on the eve of the 10th anniversary of the uprising

In renewed protests across the kingdom, Bahrain citizens have gathered to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the popular uprising against the Al Khalifa regime, and its crackdown on pro-democracy activists.

On Saturday evening, demonstrators took to the streets west of the capital, Manama, carrying pictures of the prominent cleric Sheikh Isa Qasse as well as imprisoned political dissidents, and those killed at the hands of the regime forces.

Protesters called for an end to human rights violations and the release of political detainees.

Just System

The pro-democracy demonstrators demanded that the Caliph regime relinquish power and allow the establishment of a just system that represents all society’s classes.

In northern villages of Abu Saiba and Shakhoora, groups of young protesters expressed solidarity with the popular uprising. They scribbled anti-regime graffiti on streets’ walls.

They also wrote the name of Bahrain’s monarch King Hamad bin Isa bin Salman Al Khalifah on the streets to be trampled under the feet of protesters and wheels of passing cars.

Youths set tires on fire in the village of Eker, situated about 20 kilometers (12 miles) south of the capital, in protest as well.

Bahraini “Revolution Youth Coalition” announced several activities in a bid to commemorate the anniversary of the uprising.

Bahraini opposition forces called on Al-Wefaq Islamic Association, the Islamic Al-Wafa Movement, the February 14 Youth Coalition, Al-Haq Movement, the Bahrain Freedom Movement, the Amal Association, the Islamic Action Movement, and the Salvation Movement “to be ready and prepare for the commemoration of this historical anniversary at all field levels.”

Bahraini revolutionaries also announced the continuation of their  peaceful activities under the slogan ” steadfastness until victory,” stressing that the revolution will continue until their demands are met.

Security Deployment and Alert

Bahraini regime forces have been heavily deployed across the country, including the Juffair district of Manama, Ma’ameer and Sanabis villages, on the eve of the anniversary.

A security source, who occupies a sensitive governmental position revealed to “Bahraini Leaks” that there are new instructions to increase security reinforcements in the country’s governorates. This is  in anticipation of the outbreak of protests with the 10th anniversary of the revolution.

“The regime’s security forces have been operating at a state of alert for two weeks, amid a decision to cancel vacations for security and police personnel,” the security source added. “The Bahraini regime fears a repeat of the Arab Spring demonstrations in 2011,” he explained.

Police deployed reinforcements in Shiite villages and on highways previously used by protesters to commemorate the memorial, by setting up burning tires in front of traffic.

Arbitrary arrests

In a preemptive attempt to deter demonstrators from participation, security authorities launched a campaign of arbitrary arrests in different parts of the country’s cities.

Bahraini Leaks has learned that security forces have arrested around 35 citizens over the past 24 hours.

In the wake of Friday prayers, the streets of Bahrain witnessed mass protests across the country, where thousands of Bahrainis marched to commemorate the anniversary of their peaceful popular uprising.

Despite the high security alert, Bahraini citizens took to the streets to confirm their persistence and steadfastness in the face of a10-year-old grip of repression.

They chanted slogans against the country’s king and the ruling Caliph family.

Demonstrations in Bahrain have been held on a regular basis since a popular uprising began in mid-February 2011.

However, Manama made great efforts to clamp down on any dissenting signs.

On March 14, 2011, troops from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates were deployed to assist Bahrain in its crackdown.

On March 5, 2017, the Bahraini parliament approved the trial of civilians at military tribunals in a measure blasted by human rights.

Campaigners described it as being tantamount to imposition of an undeclared martial law countrywide.

Bahraini King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifah ratified the draconian measures on April 3, 2017.

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