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Growing Concerns over Life of Bahraini Detainee Apparently with Cancer

The health condition of political prisoner Hussein Al-Sahlawi is in grave danger after symptoms likely of cancer appearing on his body.

38-year -old Prisoner Sahlawi showed signs of a strange swelling near the eye and bumps in the tongue. Those symptoms appeared several months ago and are still present.

Al-Sahlawi was shown to a specialist, who assured him that the bumps in the tongue may be an indication of cancer.

The doctor decided to undergo surgery urgently after conducting an examination to ascertain the causes of the symptoms, but this was not done yet.

In turn, the mother of prisoner al-Sahlawi issued a call for the release of her son, who is detained in Jaw Prison.

In a video, the mother expressed her concern about her son’s life, whose health is deteriorating.

He has been suffering from an enlarged tongue for seven months now, accompanied by secretions that cause him and his doctor serious concern.

However, the authorities deny him treatment, citing the Coronavirus crisis restriction.

Alsahlaw needs three urgent operations, including removal of tongue tumour, and an operation in the nose due to the problem of deviation in the cartilage of the nose, which caused smell loss.

Bahraini human rights defender, Syed Ahmed Al-Wadaei, expressed his concern about the health condition of Al-Sahlawi prison.

Al-Wadaei said that his condition is “alarming, and we are afraid that his treatment will be neglected, while kept in a healthy environment.

Al-Sahlawi is a torture victim, arrested in May 2012. He was subjected to brutal torture during his investigation at Bahraini Jaw prison.

He was sentenced to 10 years in prison added to a previous sentence of 7 years imprisonment for political reasons.


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