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Bahraini protestors take to the streets on the tenth anniversary to February 14 revolution

After the Friday prayers, Bahrain’s streets witnessed massive demonstrations on the street with thousands of citizens on the tenth anniversary of the peaceful revolution that broke out on February 14, 2011.

Citizens took to the streets, defying the authorities’ widespread security alert to confirm their steadfastness in the face of the 10-year-old machine of repression.

They chanted slogans against the country’s King Hamad bin Isa and the ruling Caliph family.

These demonstrations came in response to widespread calls on social media platforms to escalate protest activities on the anniversary of the revolution’s outbreak.

Steadfastness until victory

The demonstrators held banners calling for the release of the opposition leaders detained in prisons.

Among the most prominent protestors are Sheikh Ali Salman, Abdel Wahab Hussain, Mazar Al Mahrous, Dr Abdul Jalil Al Singace, and Sheikh Saeed Al Nouri.

The demonstrators stressed that the Bahraini people would remain patient and strong, insisting on demanding rights.

The Bahraini revolutionaries announced this week the continuation of their peaceful popular movements with stronger momentum under the slogan “steadfastness until victory,” stressing that the revolution will continue until all its demands for freedom, reform and democracy are met.

Activists launched a hashtag on social media platforms under the title #SteadfastnessUntilVictory. They announced the organization of a series of field events on the tenth anniversary of the February 14 revolution outbreak in 2011.

The activities aim to send a message to the Bahraini regime’s supporters to stop supporting it and overlook the violations against activists and political critics.

Bahraini human rights activist Yusef al-Muhafadha asked whether the Arab Spring will be repeated in Bahrain on the tenth anniversary.

He said in a tweet on Twitter that many Bahraini villages are witnessing banners and demonstrations on Friday.

Security alert

Two weeks ago, the Bahraini regime authorities had put their security forces on alert and deployed in many cities and villages that are expected to witness popular demonstrations.

During the past few days, the security services carried out a campaign of dozens of citizens’ arrests. Meanwhile, it resorted to fabricated accounts to justify activists’ arrest by claiming recently to thwart operations to detonate ATMs.

Recently, Bahraini Leaks learned that the regime’s security authorities issued warnings to the political leadership about reflecting the deteriorating conditions on the citizens’ living conditions, which may threaten to take them to the street again, similar to the 2011 revolution.

Tens of thousands of demonstrators took to the streets and squares in the country’s cities and towns to protest against the grip of the ruling Al Khalifa family.

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