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611 Foreigners Employed at Bahrain’s Embassies Compared to 128 Citizens Only

Data reveals the reality of rampant corruption in the embassies and consulates of the Bahraini regime abroad, which is based on the principle of employing foreigners instead of Bahraini citizens for sectarian considerations.

The number of Bahraini embassies and consulates abroad is 37, in addition to 5 honorary consulates, according to Foreign Minister Abdul Latif Al-Zayani.

The Bahraini parliamentarian, Mamdouh Al-Saleh, considered the numbers of foreigners working in Bahraini embassies and consulates around the world “shocking.”

“We were shocked at the large number of foreigners employed at Bahraini embassies, and Bahraini employment does not exceed twenty per cent,” he said in a discussion of a question addressed to Minister Al-Zayani.

611 foreign employees work for the Bahraini consulate, compared to only 128 Bahraini employees. “How’s that possible?” he wondered.

The presence of foreigners of this size affects the country’s privacy and the nature of security information,” he added.

He asked in this context: “How can the confidentiality of information be here if the representatives of Bahrain are not Bahrainis, especially in secretarial and administrative positions.”

“I believe that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs should refer to the unemployed Bahrainis registered with the Ministry of Labor,” he added.

“Are there ministers quarrelling with Labor Minister Jamil Humaidan? Many of the unemployed have university qualifications and are unemployed, and need the opportunity to honour Bahrain in all locations,” he asked sarcastically.

The consul who represents the Kingdom of Bahrain in the Republic of the Philippines is not a Bahraini, but rather a Filipino, and the Filipino community in Bahrain has finally arrived according to the latest statistics of 54 thousand.

Minister Al-Zayani responded to Al-Saleh, claiming that “those who carry out diplomatic work in the Kingdom of Bahrain at home and abroad are Bahrainis.”

Al-Zayani added, “We see them as actors in various political, diplomatic, human rights, economic, commercial and other fields,” he said.

Al-Zayani justified the large number of foreigners working in embassies and consulates by saying: “We are working to reduce the numbers as much as possible.”

“Every work needs administrative support, from a reporter, a driver, a cook, a typist, and a guard, and these are things that are usually done and are in place in diplomatic tradition through local employees,” he added.

Embassies of the Bahraini regime are subjected to widespread public criticism for their constant ignorance of the suffering of citizens abroad.

Embassies ignore the suffering of hundreds of people stranded in the capitals of the world in very dire health and psychological situation.

Bahraini human rights activist Syed Yusuf confirmed that the authorities of the Bahraini regime have lost their credibility with regard to defending the rights of Bahraini citizens abroad.

According to Yousef, Bahraini authorities did not dare to issue any statement with regards to human rights activists or citizens living abroad.

He also raised the issue of the Bahraini authorities’ ignoring the suffering of dozens of people stranded in Jordan and about a thousand others in Iran due to the restrictions imposed as a result of COVID- 19.

Observers confirm that this procrastination in returning those abroad comes as part of the regime’s ongoing sectarian war against the Shiite majority in Bahrain.

Lawyer Yousef also indicated that many citizens are subjected to harassment and arrests at airports, and some are arrested and sentenced to prison terms.

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