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Bahraini Opposition holds Regime Responsible for Fate of Detainees in Jaw Prison

The opposition Al-Wefaq Society in Bahrain held the regime responsible for the fate of the detainees after the government’s attack in the notorious Jaw Prison.

Al-Wefaq expressed concern about the fate of prisoners of conscience in Jaw Prison in Bahrain after a violent attack by the security forces this afternoon.

“Al-Wefaq was shocked at the disturbing news from Jaw Central Prison, specifically Building 12 and 13, where regime forces violently attacked political prisoners protesting their living conditions,” the association said in a statement.

Al-Wefaq demanded an independent and impartial body delegated by the United Nations to investigate the facts of what prisoners are exposed to today.

According to security sources, Bahraini security forces approached prisoners with sound bombs and severe beatings with batons.

Upon storming the prison, the forces created a state of panic and left bloody injuries among the prisoners.

Furthermore, breakfast was not served for detainees in the wards that witnessed the incident.

The security authorities also transferred 34 prisoners to an unknown destination after they were badly beaten.

The prison administration cut off the water supply to prisoners before attacking the detainees.

Al-Wefaq renewed its expression of grave concern about the safety of the detainees and its fear of them being subjected to reprisals and collective punishment, as happened in March 2015.

This dangerous incident comes when Bahrainis have been raising their voices for three weeks to demand the release of prisoners of conscience.

Anger among prisoners escalated after the death of detainee Abbas MalAllah due to poor conditions inside prisons.

Al-Wefaq held the Bahraini authorities, specifically the Minister of Interior, fully responsible for the safety of the detainees in Jaw Central.

It warned against the ill-treatment practised by officials of the Ministry of Interior during the Corona epidemic rampant in prisons.

Al-Wefaq further called for a severe response to popular demands for prisoners’ release as a human and national right.

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