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Opposition Leader: Normalization with Israel, a Stain on Bahraini Regime

Deputy secretary of the Bahraini opposition Al-Wefaq Society, Hussein Al-Daihi, affirmed that normalization with the Israeli occupation entity is a stain on the Bahraini regime.

“The only part that agreed to normalization with Zionist Israel is the regeime alone. As for the people of Bahrain, they all reject this approach,” Said Al-Daihi.

For decades, the people of Bahrain have stood with the Palestinian cause and rejected any rapprochement with Israel, confirming their solid stance and defense towards Islamic holy sites in Palestine, especially Jerusalem.

“Today, the Day of Jerusalem and its celebration has become the separation between right and wrong, between a group that defends its central cause, Jerusalem and the Palestinian right and a group that submits to Zionist aspirations,” he said.

Earlier, Al-Daihi leader compared the Bahraini regime to the Israeli occupation forces in terms of oppression, arbitrary detention and forced deportations.

Al-Daihi confirmed that the Israeli Mossad agency, since the 1990s, has been providing repressive and logistical expertise in order to suppress the people of Bahrain.

“The Bahrain regime has fallen into the arms of Zionists, assuming that it will be able to defeat its people, who are not afraid of any force.”

“The people of Bahrain never hesitated to support the cause of Palestine and made sacrifices on this road, while rejecting normalization despite repression and intimidation,” he added.

In mid-September, Bahrain concluded an agreement to establish full diplomatic relations with Israel, under American auspices.

Arab political forces and organizations declared their widespread rejection of this agreement, amid accusations that it was “a stab in the back of the nation’s cause after a similar blow from the Emirates.”

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