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For these reasons, the upcoming parliamentary and municipal elections in Bahrain are a “sham”

Salam Organization for Democracy and Human Rights reviewed several reasons why the parliamentary and municipal elections scheduled in Bahrain next month are a “sham.”

The organization said in a press statement that Bahrain will witness on November 12, a mock municipal and parliamentary elections, where all opposition political parties have been dissolved.

The organization highlighted the deprivation of a large group of people of their rights protected by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights in Article 25 of it to run or vote in elections on an equal footing.

It warned of monitoring the high toll of violations related to freedom of opinion and expression and general civil and political rights, as well as a large number of violations and violations of prisoners’ rights, such as torture and neglect of health care, in addition to the failure to respond to the numerous complaints of prisoners of continued abuses against them.

The organization’s statement came on the occasion of the world’s annual celebration of United Nations Day, on October 24, to commemorate the establishment of the United Nations through its Charter in 1945.

The significance of this day lies in its celebration of diversity. It is an official day to appreciate the variety of cultures, religions and languages ​​worldwide.

In addition, UN Day is celebrated as a reminder of the organization’s goals in maintaining international peace, protecting human rights and democracy, providing humanitarian aid, promoting sustainable development, and upholding international law.

Bahrain joined as a member state of the United Nations immediately after its independence in 1971, despite the solidarity and the spread of the spirit of intimacy among all components of society in the country.

The authority’s commitments in protecting human rights and preserving diversity were very weak and low. Bahrain continues to repress citizens in general, and Shiites in particular, by arresting participants in gatherings, marches, processions and religious celebrations, including religious scholars, and other violations.

This is despite the guarantee of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly by resolution 217 A (III) on December 10, 1948, in Article 18 of the right to manifest one’s religion or belief in worship, observance, practice and education without harassment.

Salam organization stressed the importance of the authority’s involvement in a comprehensive national dialogue, which leads to democratizing the state based on equal citizenship and strengthening the rule of law.

The organization called on the authorities of the Al-Khalifa regime to respect the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international covenants, preserve the principle of freedom of opinion and expression, release all prisoners of conscience, and adopt a project for transitional justice and reparation.

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