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Mistrust and division rise in Bahrain

The Bahrain Center for Human Rights called for serious steps to recover from distrust and division in Bahrain and stop the crackdown on human rights violations.

The Centre said that the Bahrainis cling to the hope that 2022 will see the light at the end of the tunnel, where they are treated with respect, and their rights are guaranteed.

The Centre added that the world must unite and stand in solidarity with every victim of human rights violations and continue to promote the basic principles of human dignity that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

“We still hope to put the tension aside and come to an understanding where we can all recover from mistrust and division, and hope for a country where people can enjoy their lives in completely respectful ways where they are not thrown behind prison bars just because their voice is calling for rights,” said Nidal Al-Salman, chair of the Centre.

The Bahrain Center for Human Rights endorsed its vision for 2022 that is in line with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, which is committed to making 2022 a year of recovery for all, not just from this virus but also from any social, political and legal problem.

The Centre stressed that 2022 should hold a new spirit of dialogue, compromise, and reconciliation. “We know very well that moments of great difficulty are also moments of great opportunity to come together with one hand.”

The rights centre concluded that these moments provide a real opportunity to unite solutions that can benefit all people moving forward with hope for what our human family can genuinely achieve.

In the year 2021, the Bahraini regime perpetuated its violations of human rights through several methods, including systematic medical negligence, which led to the death of three prisoners of conscience, as well as religious persecution.

In 2021, the systematic official medical neglect killed political and non-political prisoners, and the appeals of the families of sick prisoners and human rights defenders were not met, and the result was horrific.

During the first ten months, three political prisoners died, two of them inside the prison and one outside, but his illness and exacerbation were due to medical negligence inside the prison as well. A young criminal prisoner with schizophrenia also died after gross negligence.

Last April, amid a significant outbreak of the Corona epidemic inside Jaw Central Prison, 50-year-old detainee Abbas Malallah was martyred on April 6, after his health deteriorated.

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