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The Bahraini regime deliberately killed a sick dissident by depriving him of treatment

The opposition Haq movement revealed that the Bahraini regime deliberately killed a sick dissident by depriving him of receiving medical treatment.

The leader of the Haq Movement, Abbas Al-Omran, stated that the opposition, Ali Ahmed Qambar, was prevented from receiving treatment inside Bahrain after returning from a period of treatment abroad.

Al-Omran said that Qambar needed doses of treatment that were available only in King Hamad Governmental Hospital in Bahrain, but that despite the expensive doses, he was able to provide the amount. However, he was denied entry to the hospital, and was left to die.

The dissident Qambar died in the Salmaniya Medical Complex on Monday, October 25, 2021, due to complications from the torture he was subjected to in Bahrain’s prisons.

Prisoners of conscience are paying a heavy price for the Bahraini regime’s insistence on the systematic denial of their fundamental rights, including their right to medical care.

In this regard, the Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy (BIRD) held the ruling authorities in Bahrain responsible for the death of former political prisoner Ali Qambar a few days ago.

The human rights institute said that torture, medical negligence, and the authorities’ disregard for a medical recommendation for his release led to Cumber’s death.

The institute pointed out that the Jaw prison doctor recommended in 2017 his release due to his health condition, but the authorities refused to respond to the doctor’s request. They did not release him until a year after cancer had spread in his body until it became difficult to treat.

The Human Rights Institute pointed out that he accompanied Cumber on his treatment trip in the United Kingdom, after which his therapists confirmed that his chances of living are limited.

Meanwhile, the Bahraini security authorities launched a campaign of arrests and summons for many activists and human rights defenders as part of a series of suppressing freedoms and silencing the voice demanding political rights.

The authorities sent summonses to the former president of the Bahrain Society to Resist Normalization with Israel, Ibrahim Kamal Al-Din, and his former deputy, Ghassan Sarhan, in addition to summoning the citizen Ali Hammam, to appear for investigation at the Qudaibiya police station today, Sunday.

The Bahraini authorities summoned the seventy citizens, Abdul Majeed Abdul Mohsen, popularly known as Haj Samoud, and the activist Ali Muhanna, for interrogation on Sunday at the Qudaibiya Police Station due to their participation in a funeral ceremony for the former detainee and torture victim Ali Qambar.

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