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Political Prisoner Attempt Suicide at Bahrain’s Jaw Central Prison

Bahraini Lakes learned from security sources that a state of alert was witnessed in Jaw Central Prison, on Monday evening, after a prisoner tried to put an end to his life.

Detainee, Muhammad Abd al-Nabi Jumah, attempted suicide by hanging himself inside his cell, using a cloth rope. He made the rope out cutting up his prison blanket. Fortunately, his prison colleagues prevented him from completing his plan.

Human rights activist, Ibtisam Al-Saegh, confirmed that the failed prison administration methods prompted the detainee to attempt suicide. He has been complaining for some time that he is denied adequate treatment.

Tweet Translation:

Suicide attempts

Failed prison administration methods prompted the prisoner to serve his sentence in Jaw Prison by attempting suicide yesterday evening.
He did not receive adequate treatment and it was a mock treatment. Also, he received a threat from one of the Building 15 officers to retaliate against him as soon as possible. #SaveBahrainPrisoners

According to the Bahrain Center for Human Rights, 74 Bahraini political prisoners have died in prisons so far. Also, 52 detainees suffer from various diseases, 13 of them suffer from serious diseases such as cancer, and 17 others suffer from chronic diseases such as diabetes.

Tweet Translation:

Breaking/ Now an attempted suicide of one of the detainees inside Jaw Prison, co-prisoners tried to prevent him.


In parallel, the prison administration denied prisoner of conscience Muhammad Ismael permission to attend the burial of his father, who died on Wednesday.

Activists on social media called on the Bahraini authorities to respond to his request on humanitarian grounds.

They emphasized that the authorities bear the repercussions of the deteriorating humanitarian and health situation in prisons.

Tweet Translation:

This is detainee Muhammad Abd al-Nabi Juma’a. Rescue Bahraini prisoners before it is too late, detainees are facing psychological and physical torture, suffering from diseases and not dispensing their medicines. Their conditions are extremely bad. # Save_ Bahraini prisoners before they kill themselves

Bahraini activists intend to participate in the Friday of Prisoners’ Wrath in all regions of Bahrain, to shed light on the reality of detainees in prisons.

Prison guards affiliated with the Bahraini regime deliberately adopt various methods that cause harassment, insult, and undermine the human dignity of political detainees.

The prison conditions have led to various illnesses among political prisoners, which exacerbated by lack of treatment and willful medical negligence.

In the Dry Dock prison, convicts in Building 16, detainees who need full healthcare and suffer from various and dangerous diseases meet there every day. The regime has recently stopped the private treatments that were provided to them by Salmaniya Hospital doctors, which prompted them to organize protests.

This was met with complete ridicule and mockery from prison guards. The detainees demanded their human rights, including increasing the time for sunbathing, as the current time is only 40 minutes every 24 hours.

According to human rights organizations, the Bahraini regime authorities deliberately isolate prisoners of conscience from the outside world. That is by denying them possession of any technical means that enables them to keep abreast of the events and developments taking place in the outside world.

Prisoners see television sets as their only window after the entry of newspapers, books and all activities have stopped. Meanwhile, the authorities keep prisoners for more than 22 hours in cramped cells and allow them to leave the prison yard for only an hour and a half.

According to human rights data, since the start of the popular revolution on February 14, 2011, the Bahraini regime has arrested 4,500 political prisoners.

Detention centres in the small Gulf kingdom have turned into another arena for political revenge against political and opinion activists, said Baqer Darwish, President of Bahrain Forum for Human Rights.

Bahraini prison administration deliberately pledges rights to prisoners as basic as performing religious rites, claiming that security permission must be obtained before approval.

Recently, fifteen organizations, including Amnesty International and the Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy (BIRD), called on President Joe Biden to restore human rights “as a key feature of American diplomacy” in the Gulf.

In an open letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken, they said that Bahrain’s rulers had been “emboldened” by former president Donald Trump’s public disdain for international human rights norms.

Furthermore, the letter called for the release of all political prisoners in Bahrain, especially the leaders imprisoned in the 2011 uprising, including Hassan Mushaima, Abdul-Jalil Al-Singace, Abdul-Hadi Al-Khawaja, Sheikh Al-Miqdad and Abdel-Wahab Hussein.

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