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Investigation: Security forces restrict freedom of travel in Bahrain

The Al-Khalifa regime restricts the right to freedom of travel and movement in Bahrain, including in the Arab Gulf states.

The Al-Khalifa regime continues to impose travel bans on thousands of Bahraini citizens through the National Security Agency, clearly violating their most basic rights.

Human rights groups revealed to Bahraini Leaks that they had received testimonies of hundreds of citizens who were prevented from accessing some Gulf countries due to ban lists from the National Security Agency.

The circles indicated that these people are prevented from working in Bahrain due to the failure to obtain a good conduct certificate. They are also prevented from employment opportunities in the Gulf countries.

In addition, many Bahraini citizens receive invitations to participate in artistic, sports and commercial activities in the Gulf countries, especially Qatar.

However, they are faced with complicated bureaucratic procedures, including sending a letter to the Bahraini Minister of Interior to approve their participation by sending it to Gate No. 3 in the castle building.

A human rights organization highlighted a new systematic pattern used by the authorities of the Khalifa regime against peaceful activists opposed to them because of their religious and political affiliation by depriving their children of citizenship and travel.

The authorities continue to deprive the children of citizens who are not more than four years old, their right to the Bahraini nationality of their parents, and prevent them from moving and travelling.

Americans for Democracy and Human Rights in Bahrain says that Bahrain, one of the most naturalized countries for foreigners, deprives children of Bahraini roots from owning their country’s passports.

According to the organization, neither legal nor humanitarian reasons allow this. On the contrary, their right is violated on several levels, including the right to nationality, health, education, and free movement.

The organization highlighted examples of four children suffering from Bahraini families whom the government targeted by arbitrarily depriving them of their nationality in a lengthy report.

The four children are Z. Abdullah Adam, a. Ali Salman, F. Hassan Hazeem, and Z. Hassan Hazeem.

It said that the purpose of this measure was to indirectly punish their parents for their peaceful activities in opposition to the ruling.

It added that the arbitrary deprivation of citizenship for the four children is only an example of the systematic pattern adopted by the government against dozens of Bahraini children.

Thus, they are illegally criminalized for acts they did not commit.

The organization explained that the authorities were violating many human rights laws, including the special domestic law relating to nationality law and international laws that guarantee children’s right to nationality and protection from statelessness under Article 15 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The human rights organization warned that Bahraini officials criminalize parents for acts they did not commit, as they strongly believe that the reason is their religious and political affiliation.

They used this as a reason not to grant citizenship to children.

The organization said that Bahrain has strict legal obligations to protect these rights under international human rights treaties ratified by the government and under local laws and the Constitution of Bahrain.

Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain denounced these children’s illegal and inhumane exposure by depriving them of citizenship and thus depriving them of the most basic human rights, such as the right to a nationality, the right to medical care, the right to education, and the right to movement.

It stressed that these rights are sacred under Bahraini and international laws and treaties.

The organization called on the Bahraini government to stop the abuse of children and their rights by giving them Bahraini citizenship and passport.

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