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Bahraini patients’ lives outside the Health of Ministry’s accounts: New Medical Malpractice Statistics

Bahrain recorded a new medical error, which caused complications for a patient after a surgeon performed a gastric sleeve operation improperly.

In January 2015, the patient victim had come to Bahrain with her husband to undergo a gastric sleeve operation. However, complications occurred that caused a complete blockage of the stomach, so the doctor decided to undergo another surgery to correct the error.

This left the victim’s health in terrible conditions as she suffered from nausea and vomiting. Her treatment has been going on for a long time in Bahrain after her stomach’s lower opening was blocked.

According to observers, the series of medical errors continues to claim the lives of many more patients in Bahrain. This comes especially after the migration of medical personnel, who decided to leave because of the Bahraini authorities’ oppression, low wages or the government’s adopted principle of employment based on loyalty, not competence.

Despite the regime’s attempt to delude public opinion, claiming it relentlessly follows up medical errors in government hospitals, the issue remains without solutions or legislative oversight.

Reviewing the surgery video and patient’s file, the investigative medical committee found that the doctor performed the surgical intervention incorrectly and violated this type of operation’s technical principles. He failed to consult doctors when dealing with complications.

He also exceeded the limits of the National Authority for Medical Professions and Health Services’ license issued to him. He was licensed as a consultant in general surgery and not specialized in performing such operations.

Therefore, the Court of Cassation fined the doctor 200 dinars, as it issued the penalty after accepting his appeal.

The lower criminal court had previously ruled that he was fined 200 dinars and that the civil case be referred to the competent court without fees.

The Public Prosecution charged the appellant because he failed as a doctor and put the patient’s safety at risk by not following medical principles or providing the necessary care.

Bahraini minister recently revealed that the number of medical errors in the Kingdom has doubled, reaching 18 medical errors in 2020.

In response to a parliamentary question, Minister of Health Faiqia Al-Saleh explained that the total errors reported were suspected errors, divided as follows: “3 errors in 2018, 13 errors in 2019, and 18 errors in 2020.” Thus, 34 medical errors were reported within 32 months.

From 2018 to 2020, Salmaniya Medical Complex’s Medical errors to the Health and Professional Services Regulatory Authority have reached 34 errors.

Activists call for the need to enact a law that regulates the relationship between the patient and the doctor and obliges liability and malpractice insurance medical. They also called on the Bahraini Ministry of Justice to establish a council specialized in the medical field to ensure impartiality in judgments.

While the Bahraini parliament must take measures to reduce medical malpractice, Bahraini human rights defenders have undermined the role of such council if Bahraini executive authorities’ failure to follow up and monitor its performance.

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