A former jailed MP writes his will and activists call for his fate revealed

Bahraini citizens sounded the alarm about the health status of former MP Osama Al-Tamimi, who has been detained since the end of last month in a critical health condition.
According to family sources, the former MP wrote his will and was taken to an unknown destination and was prevented from receiving medical treatment.
The sources informed Bahraini leaks that he is in an unknown room. No one is allowed to enter that room except the cleaning worker.
Activists on social media launched a campaign under the hashtag #اكشفوا_مصير_أسامة_التميمي (expose the fate of Osama Altamimi), demanding the reveal of former Bahraini MP, who was arrested from a hospital while receiving treatment.
They stressed the necessity of moving as a people, individuals, parties, and international and human rights organizations to rid this MP from prison.
Earlier, private sources told Bahraini Leaks that the former MP had suffered a stroke days after the regime forces arrested him from his hospital bed.
The sources indicated that the former deputy has become in a critical health condition and is vomiting blood.
Human rights and family sources reported that the Bahraini security forces arrested last Wednesday, the former MP, noting that the arrest coincided with many police forces raiding his house.
The same sources stated that the arrest was made by security forces raiding the hospital where he is located, where he is undergoing treatment after being poisoned by the authorities during his prior arrest.
On Thursday, the people of Hamala and Sumud Triangle organized a stand in solidarity with Al-Tamimi, denouncing the continued detention of Bahraini dissidents despite the dangers, poor health and neglect.
Former Bahraini MP Jawad Fairouz said that “Al-Tamimi was in the crosshairs of targeting the authority several times over the past years for his opposition to the regime’s tyranny and his support for the victims.”
Activist Dr Ibrahim Al-Aradi added that “this frank violation is taking place before the eyes of the world, and it is a message to the people: shut up or be killed.”
Activists pointed out that the security system in Bahrain has not changed but rather is heading towards more repression and deterioration.
They indicated that “the reforms that the Bahraini official system is talking about do not exist, and the national human rights institutions that preserve citizens’ rights are just useless buildings.”
Tweeters circulated video clips of previous statements by MP Al-Tamimi, expressing his opposition to the policies of the Bahraini regime and declaring his support for the suffering of citizens who hold a political vision opposing the government and the regime in Bahrain.
من حقه أن يحصل على العلاج.. أنقذوا أسامة التميمي #اكشفوا_مصير_اسامه_التميمي pic.twitter.com/bzZkKQHTSr
— Alshamlan (@Alshamlan202) July 30, 2021
Translation: He has the right to receive medical treatment. Save Osama Altamimi
التميمي متواجد في غرفة لا يعلم لا هو ولا عائلته أين تقع ولا يُسمح لأحد بالدخول إلى تلك الغرفة سوى عامل التنظيفات.#اكشفوا_مصير_اسامة_التميمي pic.twitter.com/uwnjYnbkFL
— لجنة معتقلي البحرين (@bpc_bahrain) July 30, 2021
Translation: Al-Tamimi is locked in a room where neither him or his family know its location. And no one is allowed to enter the room except for cleaning employees.