Human Rights Reports Annoy the Bahraini Minister of Interior: They Spread Chaos!

The Bahraini Minister of Interior expressed his annoyance at the recent human rights reports issued by human rights organizations regarding the continuing human rights violations against political opponents.

Sheikh Rashid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa claimed that Bahrain “has been exposed in recent times to inflammatory calls and biased reports.”

These calls were issued by “parties, outside organizations, and misleading media channels,” he claimed.

He claimed that it aims to spread chaos and doubt into national achievements as well as undermine national stability.

This week, a human rights organization called on the United Nations Human Rights Council to question the Minister of Interior of Bahrain for the ongoing crimes of human rights violations in the Kingdom.

This came during an oral intervention presented by the organization within the work of the 46th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, under the third item of the interactive discussion.

Furthermore, Americans for Democracy and Human Rights in Bahrain urged to punish the Bahraini minister by using the International Magnitsky Act for human rights accountability.

Rashid bin Abdullah is one of the most important pillars of the Al Khalifa family, which rules Bahrain with an iron fist. He has held the position of Minister of the Interior for 16 years.

After the Bahraini government’s violent crackdown on the pro-democracy movement in 2011, he supervised the arbitrary arrests and torture of protesters, opposition activists, and athletes.

The former Bahraini MP, Ali Al-Aswad, confirms that the Bahraini regime has failed to hide its black human rights record despite all foreign diplomatic moves.

Last week, the American “Freedom House” institution placed Bahrain in a late position in terms of allowing freedom of opinion and expression.

Bahrain received only 12 points out of a hundred (not free) points in the Freedom and Rights Index, to lead a point higher than Yemen.

Human Rights Watch confirms that Bahrain has not witnessed an improvement in the human rights file in the past year 2020.

In its global report 2021, the organization states that the authorities of the Khilafia regime have stepped up in 2020 their crackdown on activities on the Internet and social media.

It also prosecuted critics for peaceful expression. Also, courts upheld death sentences against opposition activists after unfair trials.

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